Here’s exactly how much protein you need based on your workout routine

For fitness enthusiasts, protein is important for muscle repair, recovery, and growth. But for many, eating high-protein has become such a focus of their diet, that they end up overdoing it on the nutrient, while skimping on other vital ones. Fortune spoke with nutritionists and exercise experts, to clear up the confusion about how much …

Daylight saving time is ending. 4 ways to keep the time change from wreaking havoc on your sleep

I love most things about fall: colorful leaves and picking pumpkins. Something I don’t love: setting our clocks back at the end of daylight saving time. I realize we “gain” an extra hour of sleep (well, those of us without small children); however, research shows that most of us actually lose sleep when we “fall …

Yes, you can get the COVID, flu, and RSV vaccines at once. Here are the pros and cons

You may have been too young to remember, but depending on your state’s school immunization requirements, you likely received a slew of vaccines before you started day care, preschool, or kindergarten. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends 4- to 6-year-olds receive, among others, their fourth dose of the polio vaccine; their second …

COVID-19 is no longer the world’s leading infectious disease killer

COVID-19 is still very much the topic of conversation when it comes to infectious diseases, but when it comes to lethality, the coronavirus no longer leads the pack. Instead, it’s tuberculosis that has once again become the world’s most deadly infectious disease. A World Health Organization report this week shows 10.8 million people became sick …

Why Arianna Huffington believes AI will transform health care beyond the doctor’s office

In 2020—right about when much of America might’ve been using Instacart for the very first time to avoid COVID at the supermarket—the company’s soon-to-be CEO, Fidji Simo, was “falling apart from head to toe,” health-wise. She was diagnosed with an autoimmune condition, learned that the level of research being done on such illnesses was “appalling,” …

5 symptoms women over 40 should never ignore

Women’s bodies go through many changes in menopause and the years leading up to it, known as perimenopause. This natural step in the aging process marks the end of the reproductive years. In that time, a woman’s ovaries stop producing eggs and there’s a decline in female sex hormones, estrogen, and progesterone. While this change …

You might be overdoing it on protein and not getting enough of another vital nutrient, dietitians say

If your social media algorithm has pointed you in the direction of diet, weight-loss, or even general nutrition content, it’s likely you’ve come across “high-protein” recipes or influencers who swear by protein-heavy keto or carnivore diets. Where did this obsession with protein come from, and is it worth all of the energy it’s given? Protein …

Pizza shop issues apology after customers get high from eating THC-contaminated pies

Diners at a Wisconsin-based pizza shop reportedly got high after eating a pie contaminated with THC, the main psychoactive ingredient in marijuana.  Famous Yeti’s Pizza in Stoughton, Wisc., issued an apology after discovering that their pizzas had been accidentally contaminated with THC oil between Tuesday, Oct. 22, at 4:30 p.m. and Thursday, Oct. 24, at …

Poor sleep is tied to faster brain aging, new study says. Here’s how it impacts people as young as 40

You know the horrors a sleepless night can bring. They haunt you the following day: fatigue, headaches, irritability, and inability to focus, to name a few. Though sleep deprivation comes for us all on occasion, a new study suggests that habitually substandard shut-eye is linked to accelerated brain aging. While poor sleep quality doesn’t necessarily …

Got COVID? Here are the new 2024 isolation guidelines

Two lines appear on the test card, 15 minutes after you’ve swabbed the depths of your nostrils and swirled the contents in a plastic tube. You’ve got COVID. As recently as February, a positive rapid test would’ve meant five days of isolation, away from work, school, and/or other obligations that involve going out in public. …